Mission Statement
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain is a non-profit organization that acts to clean the waters of northern Lake Champlain and its watershed by working collaboratively with citizens, businesses, farmers and government in order to reduce land-use pollution.
Our focus is on catalyzing the actions and accountability needed to reduce land-use pollution and securing the essential local, state, and federal funding necessary for successful implementation.
Making it Happen



How Does It Work?
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain (FNLC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to assisting citizens, landowners, farmers, businesses and government to reduce water pollution from runoff.
Funding sources from local, state and federal sources are secured by our staff and boots on the ground projects are implemented.
FNLC creates and assists in bringing educational opportunities to students, citizens, farmers, and municipalities on the importance of sustainable, water friendly land use practices.
When you become a supporter of Friends of Northern Lake Champlain your dollars and time help leverage other funding sources to continue this important work.
Clean water ensures that future generations will continue to enjoy Northern Lake Champlain.