Stream Wise Services
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain is offering Stream Wise Assessments for Franklin & Grand Isle County landowners who have property bordering streams, brooks, and rivers.
With support from the Lake Champlain Basin program, we've joined other organizations all over the region to provide these free assessments to improve habitat and protect water quality.
We'll be partnering with Grand Isle County Natural Resource Conservation District and your local libraries to bring you four information sessions about Stream Wise this summer.
Dates will be announced soon!

Photos by Green Mountain Drone

Photo enhanced by Green Leaf Design

Photos by Green Mountain Drone
Healthy Streams Mean
Healthy Communities
Healthy streams are home to diverse fish and wildlife, provide vital drinking water, create endless recreation and relaxation opportunities, protect us against floods, and bestow beauty upon us across the landscape.
Protecting our rivers and streams is protecting our homes, our communities, and our shared land.

Support Your Stream Community!
The process is really simple! When you sign-up for an assessment, we'll visit your property and walk through our Stream Wise check list together. Based on what we learn, we'll provide recommendations about how to enhance and protect your streamside habitat.
All landowners are provided with a report and resources after the assessment. Stream Wise provides awards to properties with exemplary practices ~ and you get a sign to show off your good work!
Stream Wise Webinar
Spring 2024
The Friends and Northwest Regional Planning Commission co-hosted a Stream Wise webinar in June of 2024 to give an overview of the program.
Lauren Jenness, Stream Wise Coordinator, from the Lake Champlain Basin Program shared the purpose of the program as well as some background about stream health.
Wendy Scott from Enosburg Falls shared her experience as a landowner having a free assessment done for her property and the resulting tree planting that was done to improve the buffer along her stream.
A number of questions were answered by both Jenness and Scott during the webinar as well.
Stream Wise Presentation Saint Albans
Watch our Stream Wise presentation to learn more about how you can participate in this free initiative!